Thursday, May 29, 2014

The eggs have hatched!

There are baby Tree Swallows and baby Bluebirds in the bird boxes that I have been monitoring! Well, duh, there were eggs there a few days ago. Eventually they were going to hatch, right? I know, but I'm still excited.

(it's the small things in life :)

The babies actually took me by surprise. They shouldn't have, but they did. I walked up to the first box and saw a few Tree Swallows circling overhead, same as I've seen on previous visits, nothing unusual. I knocked softly on the box to ensure the mother was not on the nest. I didn't hear anything so I opened the box slowly and peered into the nest to count the eggs. But there were no eggs! In there place was something I couldn't even describe for you, just weird colors and shapes that my brain was not comprehending. So I pulled down the edge of the nest to get a better look. Well, I saw what looked like baby birds, I guess. Aha, they must have hatched! But they didn't look like any baby birds I've ever seen and they weren't moving!!! I pulled my hand away and dropped the door to the box in horror... they were all dead!!!

Awwww... bummer... I just stood there with my bottom lip sticking out, what a let down... stupid birds... I then thought I should look again and try to figure out what happened, get a good look so I could describe it to the Nest Watch people for their research purposes. I opened the box again and pulled down the edge of the nest and to my delight, they started wiggling around. Then they started opening their beaks and flopping their little heads back and forth. Turns out they were sleeping!!!

Yeah! Oh happy, happy day!!! I snapped a picture and quickly closed up the box and got out of their so the parents could come back and take care of them. Now that I've woken them up I figured, just like human babies, they would cry until they were feed and cared for. As soon as I was about ten steps away, one of the Tree Swallows swooped into the box while the other one continuing circling overhead.
baby Tree Swallows
I was ready for the next bunch; the Bluebirds. I knocked like I always do. I didn't hear anything. I didn't see any adult Bluebirds, but I almost never do, they are much too timid to stick around. They must fly away as I'm getting out of the car. Anyway, I open the box, pull down the edge of the nest and the little guys immediately started opening and closing their beaks. Soooo cute!
baby Bluebirds
My third nest still had six eggs. Maybe when I go back today or tomorrow they will have hatched. Nest Watch is fun but I suppose I will have to prepare myself for the very real possibility of not all the little ones making it.

Stay tuned for more pictures, I'm sure the babies will be much cuter once they have a few feathers.

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