The third nest of eggs has hatched. I must of gotten there soon after it happened because I could not believe how little these guys were!
Newborn Tree Swallows |
The first nest of babies are doing fine. Their feather have grown in and they are much cuter. They were fast asleep when I visited and I was very careful not to disturb them this time.
Baby Tree Swallow with Feathers |
Sorry, no pictures of the Bluebirds. I peaked into their nest and they were all very deep inside of the box. I snapped a picture but it came out too dark to really see anything. The Bluebirds build their nests closer to the bottom of the boxes and the nest cavity is deep. The Tree Swallows on the other hand, use so much nesting material that the babies are very close to the top of the box and the cavity is quite shallow. This is probably because the Tree Swallows are smaller than the Bluebirds and if they didn't build up the nest the babies would never be able to get out through the box opening for their first flight. Oh, I can't wait until they start flying!
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