Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I've always wanted to visit the Great Lakes and this past week, I saw three of them! My daughter and I went on a road trip around the state of Michigan. Our intent was to seek out and explore lighthouses, but that plan got a little lost in our excitement over the lakes themselves.

Day 1 we saw Lake Michigan and the Whitehall lighthouse. It was cold and rainy so we walked out to the beach to have a look, then went right back to the car and drove inland a bit to our first overnight camping location.

Day 2 we saw Lake Huron and the Mackinaw City lighthouse. It was cold and windy, but since the rain held off we were better able to walk around the town, pop into a few shops, and stand on the shore to admire the Big Mac (the bridge that connects the mainland to the Upper Peninsula).

Day 3 we saw Lake Superior, which is where we stayed for two days, saw two lighthouses, did some hiking, and took a boat ride out to see the cliffs of Pictured Rock National Seashore. This was an impressive location and a definite vacation destination. I could have easily spent an entire week in the town of Munising, probably longer!
Looks like a postcard from some exotic location you could never hope to see, but it's not. This picture was taken with my little pocket camera from the tour boat we took on Lake Superior out of the Munising harbor.

More pictures to come!

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