Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Roufus Tail Hummingbird

Another great picture from Costa Rica, taken by Bob, the unofficial photographer of our group.
Roufus Tail Hummingbird

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I've returned from Costa Rica

Well, I'm back in the snow and not very happy about it.  I already miss the vibrant colors of the beautiful birds and plants.
I'll be posting about my adventures in Costa Rica soon.  I am hoping to acquire some better pictures first, like the one posted here, taken by a fellow traveler on our trip.  My little camera did a poor job of capturing the beauty of the country and all efforts to zoom in on a bird just gave me a blurring image.  Thankfully, some of the other guys had nice cameras and have offered to share their pictures with me.  Stay tuned!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Winter Hike Series No. 5

I made it to the fifth and final hike in the series – Shawnee Lookout.

The temperatures weren’t too bad but the trails were snow covered and a challenge to hike through.  The snow was not crunchy or slippery, but rather slushy.  It was very difficult to walk on because your foot would sink in a little when you stepped down and then mush in some more when you tried to push off.  It was like walking in loose sand.  

The Hamilton County Parks will be holding a make-up hike for Woodland Mound (hike number four, the one that everybody missed last week).  Apparently, I was not the only one to realize that the roads were too hazardous to drive.  They actually cancelled the event about an hour before the start because they could not get the roads into the park cleared.  This winter has been crazy with the amount of snowfall in the region!  

I won’t make it to the make-up because I’ll be in Costa Rica! That’s right, I’m heading for the tropics and I can’t wait.  Enough pictures of snow; stay tuned for pictures of toucans and parrots and lots and lots of beautiful green foliage.